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HomeLifestyleI Tried Ombre Powder Brows Before and After What You Need to...

I Tried Ombre Powder Brows Before and After What You Need to Know

Babies with thin or sparse brows can have long-lasting, natural-looking brows without having to draw in their powder brows before and after every morning with this semi-permanent treatment. Sure enough, thousands of us rushed to get this procedure done. Unfortunately, the results are inconsistent. In addition to countless horror stories about women who microbladed and ended up with eyebrows that looked like they were faded or discolored with a Sharpie pen. You’ve probably heard of microblading. Veronica Tran from Pretty In The City is all too familiar with the situation. Now she considers her obsession with eyebrows. Because it took a decade (decade) for her failed work to disappear completely. Skilled estheticians are experts in the field of facial tattooing. Clients travel from all over Canada to see him for adjustments. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results. He combines classic microblading with a new approach. and is rapidly increasing in popularity. I decided to test out the powder brows before and after routine and report back on whether or not this latest and greatest brow treatment actually works. Because it turns out my obsession with waxing and plucking my eyebrows made me the ideal candidate.

What is the difference between microblading and powder brows?

Tran claims that the way the color is applied to the skin makes the two methods very different. The powder brows before and after eyebrow method uses a machine. Just like tattoo artists use. Compare to microblading This requires using a hand tool, such as a pen, to make small cuts in the skin. I sat in his chair. I started this process with the confidence of someone who had survived many ugly body tattoos. Contrast with microblading. When more pigment is applied after the cut is complete, Tran uses a single needle to inject the pigment into the skin in hundreds of tiny dots, which when combined resemble powder. Now she can customize colors according to customer needs. This is because the color is less concentrated and easier to handle. “It would have been nicer and brighter if I had applied two or three thin coats,” he said, adding that sometimes people like colors a little darker.

Which technique is right for you?

powder brows before and after

Powder tinting is the best option for those who are unfortunately unable to have natural looking brows. “I wouldn’t do microblading on someone who doesn’t have a lot of hair. Or if they don’t have any hair at all It looks like lines on the face,” says Tran. She also says she likes to use the powder brows before and after on people with thick brows but little hair on the back. This is a common problem with eyebrows. In the same way People like me who have thin, oily skin. Not suitable for traditional microblading Because the oil will make wrinkles fade within a few months. Did you know that for wounds to heal, they must be drained? Eyebrow tattooing is the same. The natural oils in the skin can inhibit its ability to heal. A common concern among customers who use microblading is that brow powder brows before and after ages and fades well. According to Tran, “It is a spreadable powder. So when it fades The color will gradually fade.” “Because it lasts longer Therefore, maintenance is not required as often as microblading.” My little experience shows that this is a great option for those with natural brows and minor blemishes. Or for those who are very lazy And want to shorten your morning ritual by 5 minutes without using an eyebrow pencil (don’t judge, it’s me).

How does the powder brows before and after technique work?

In my first meeting with Tran, we spent about fifteen minutes planning the area of ​​my brow that would be tattooed using his unique mapping process. to ensure accuracy We use hand-drawn line and thread and balance wax. Although natural eyebrow shape is very good, But we still want to balance and fill in the bald spots. If you’ve never had a tattoo before The steps might seem a little scary. In the end Having a stranger with a tattoo gun near your eye is probably not comforting. (Am I really going to look like Post Malone?) However, after we talked for a bit and considered my own history with tattoos elsewhere on my body, I relaxed. Tran then used numbing cream to slightly soothe the sting while he worked. The pain is still bearable. Even if it starts to disappear during surgery. Total time required is three hours for the entire process. Including mapping, waiting for the numbness, and getting the tattoo even though it didn’t feel that long, Tran kept me engaged throughout the tattooing process by discussing her own brow stories. and always update the progress of your eyebrows Even though I couldn’t speak and closed my eyes during most of the process. That day, I had defined eyebrows and a slight redness on my face, which disappeared the next morning. As per Tran’s instructions, I lay on my back so as not to disturb the tattoo and remove any scabs. during the treatment process This is important because during the crucial first two weeks, any distractions such as scratching or washing too vigorously will affect your health. Or applying pressure may cause the area to lose color before it heals completely.

What is the healing process like?

The general healing process is that the tattoo will begin to shrink slightly over the next few weeks. I followed Tran’s advice and cleaned the area morning and night with unscented soap and antiseptic wax. My eyebrows have healed and I seem to be slowly recovering from them. Eyebrows drawn in about two weeks. I was scheduled for a one-hour follow-up about a month after the initial visit. Like every other client, I asked Tran to make my brows look a little more hairy. Filled in my brows a little darker. And add a few strands of classic microblading. By giving me more visible bald spots during these appointments, Tran says taking a hybrid approach allows her to tailor each client’s brows to their specific needs. Tran claims such adjustments were made in the second consultation. The extent of what can be done in a single tattoo varies depending on the type of skin the client has and how well the tattoo process works.

What are the results?

I no longer need to use eyebrow shaping. Almost two months after the first session. I used concealer to outline my brows and a thin layer of brow gel. At night when I go out and want to look bolder. But that’s all. My face looks taller due to my slightly higher shaped eyebrows. This almost eliminates the minor blemishes I usually notice, like uneven brows. Bald areas and thin ends as summer approaches. #Luckily I don’t have to put on makeup before going to the beach or club. Tran says there’s no fading at all and I won’t notice it for years. About the disadvantages? Not much. After surgery, exercise (sweating) should be avoided for two weeks. and sunbathed for a month It may take some time to get used to sleeping on your back. That is very valuable to me. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results.

How much does it cost?

Tran’s eyebrow tattoo services start at $625 for standard microblading and $675 for powdered ombre eyebrows. My process is hybrid, Tran provides me with a review process free of charge. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results. Tran tailors each ombré powder brows before and after tattooing procedure to the client’s natural brow shape, skin type, and desired results.

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